Province of Benguet

Philippine Identification System (Step 2) extends registration until September 30, 2022

Philippine Identification System Registration EXTENDED Until September 30, 2022

Republic Act No. 11055, or the Philippine Identification System Act, signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on August 6, 2018, aims to establish a single national identification system for all citizens and resident aliens of the Republic of the Philippines. The valid proof of identity provided by the PhilSys shall be a means of simplifying public and private transactions, and shall be a social and economic platform that promotes seamless social service delivery and strengthens financial inclusion for both public and private services. As a foundational digital ID system, the PhilSys will transform how services are delivered in the Philippines, and accelerate our transition into a digital economy, including to enable presenceless, paperless, and cashless transactions.

Be Registered!

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