Purchase of Medical Equipment (PR NO. 2023-02-032) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0421) | 03/29/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0503) | 03/29/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0502) | 03/29/2023 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2023-02-0469) | 03/22/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0452) | 03/22/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory (PR NO. 2023-02-0451) | 03/22/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0448) | 03/22/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0447) | 03/22/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-027) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-026) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Hauling of Hazardous Waste (PR NO. 2023-02-024) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0390) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0403) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0389) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0421) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase ofLaboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-0402) | 03/15/2023 |
Purchase of Pharmacy Supplies (PR NO. 2022-10-184) | 11/09/2022 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2022-10-185) | 11/09/2022 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2022-08-1366) | 08/31/2022 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2022-06-110) | 09/07/2022 |
Purchase of Dental Autoclave (PR NO. 2022-07-134) | 08/31/2022 |
Purchase of Molecular Supplies (PR 2022-10-190) | 12/01/2022 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR 2022-02-0467) | 03/16/2022 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines(PR NO. 2023-02-0285) | 02/22/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supply (PR NO. 2022-06-111) | 07/13/2022 |
Purchase of Various Laboratory Supplies (PR 2021-09-169) | 11/03/2021 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2022-04-078) | 05/18/2022 |
Purchase of Cardiotocography Machine etc (PR NO. 2022-09-160) | 09/28/2022 |
Purchase of Anesthesia Machine (PR 2022-05-0921) | 06/15/2022 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2022-02-0474) | 03/16/2022 |
Purchase of Nursing Supply (PR 2022-01-001) | 02/01/2022 |
Purchase of Surgical Microscope etc (PR NO. 2022-09-162) | 09/28/2022 |
Purchase of Endoscopy Tower etc (PR NO. 2022-09-161) | 09/28/2022 |
Purchase of Various Drugs and Medicine (PR 2022-01-0001) | 02/02/2022 |
PR 2022-05-0921 | 06/14/2022 |
PR 2022-02-0499 | 03/16/2022 |
PR 2022-09-160 | 09/28/2022 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2022-02-036) | 03/09/2022 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (PR NO. 2023-02-034) | 03/29/2023 |
Purchase of Molecular Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-016) | 04/12/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO. 2022-02-0499) | 03/16/2022 |
Purchase of Molecular Supplies (PR NO. 2023-02-016) | 05/04/2023 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2023-02-0469) | 05/04/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR NO . 2023-02-026) | 05/17/2023 |
Purchaser of Medical Supplies (PR 2022-02-0499) | 03/16/2022 |
One (1) Year Contract for Security Services (PR NO. 2022-10-188) | 12/01/2022 |
P One (1)Contract for Janitorial Services (PR NO. 2022-10-187) | 12/01/2022 |
Purchase of Repairs and Maintenance (PR 2022-11-191) | 11/24/2022 |
Purchase of Molecular Supplies (PR NO. 2023-07-073) | 08/16/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR NO . 2022-03-0605) | 03/23/2022 |
Purchase of Pharmacy Suplies (PR 2023-08-088) | 09/05/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR 2023-08-086) | 09/21/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR 2023-08-085) | 09/21/2023 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR 2023-08-087) | 09/21/2023 |
Purchase of Pharmacy Supplies (PR 2023-03-041) | 04/12/2023 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR 2023-03-040) | 04/12/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Equipmetn (PR 2023-09-098) | 10/05/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Equipment (PR 2023-09-097) | 10/05/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Instruments (PR 2023-09-092) | 10/05/2023 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR NO. 2023-08-087) | 11/07/2023 |
Purchase of Office Supplies (PR NO. 2023-03-034) | 05/24/2023 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR NO. 2023-08-085) | 11/24/2023 |
SUPPLEMENTAL BID 2023-018 | 11/16/2023 |
Purchase of Security Services (PR 2023- | 1-124)-11- |
Purchase of Janitorial Services (PR 2023-11-125) | 11/30/2023 |
Purchase of Hemodialysis Supplies (PR 2023-06-056) | 07/05/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (PR 2023-11-114) | 11/16/2023 |
Purchase of Supplementary Food Products (PR 2024-01-0032) | 01/25/2024 |
Purchase of Office Supplies (PR 2023-08-080) | 09/14/2023 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (PR NO. 2023-07-071) | 08/30/2023 |
Purchse of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-010-PR 2024-02-0465) | 02/29/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (B-2024-009-PR 2024-02-0490) | 02-29-2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-008-PR 2024-02-0454) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-007-PR 2024-02-0437) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-006-PR 2024-01-021) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-004-PR 2024-02-0368) | 02/14/2024 |
Purchase of Office Supplies (B-2024-003-PR 2024-01-007) | 02/14/2024 |
Purchase for Hauling of Hazardous Waste (B-2024-002-PR 2024-01-013) | 02/08/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-013-PR 2024-02-0570) | 03/07/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (B-2024-012-PR 2024-02-0569) | 03/07/2024 |
Purcahse of Medical Equipment (B-2024-011-PR 2024-02-0568) | 03/07/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (B-2024-015-PR 2024-03-0688) | 03/21/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratoty Supplies (B-2024-014-PR 2024-03-0672) | 03/21/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-017 PR 2024-03-0721) | 04/04/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (B-2024-016 PR 2024-03-0720) | 04/04/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-018-PR 2024-04-0844) | 04/18/2024 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-020-PR 2024-01-014) | 05/09/2024 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-019-PR 2024-02-0437) | 04/25/2024 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-020-PR-2024-01-014) | 05/24/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR 2023-02-0351) | 02/15/2023 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (PR NO. 2024-06-058) | 07/25/2024 |
Purchse of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-019-PR 2024-02-0437) | 04/25/2024 |
Purchse of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-014-PR 2024-03-0672) | 03/21/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-023-PR 2024-06-015) | 07/11/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR 2023-02-0390) | 04/12/2024 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-005-PR 2024-01-014) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Laboratory Supplies (B-2024-06-PR 2024-01-021) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (PR 2023-11-114) | 11/07/2023 |
Purhcase of Nursing Supplies (PR 2023-08-086) | 09/21/2023 |
Purchase of Security Services (PR 2023-11-124) | 11/30/2023 |
Purchase of Security Services (B-2024-024-PR 2024-07-062) | 09/05/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR 2023-08-1449) | 09/14/2023 |
Purchse of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-022-PR 2024-06-057) | 07/04/2024 |
Purchse of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-025-PR 2024-08-076) | 09/19/2024 |
Purchse of Office Supplies (B-2024-026-PR 2024-08-077) | 09/19/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-027-PR 2024-06-057) | 10/03/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (PR 2023-02-0285) | 02/22/2023 |
Purchse of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-021-PR 2024-02-0465) | 06/06/2024 |
Purchse of Nursing Supplies (B-2024-020-PR 2024-01-014) | 06/20/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-007 PR 2024-02-0437) | 02/22/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Supplies (PR 2023-02-0403) | 04/12/2023 |
Purchse of Medical Equipment (B-2024-012-PR 2024-02-0569) | 03/21/2024 |
Purchase of Dump Truck (B-2024-031-PR 240236) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (B-2024-029-PR 2024-02-0465) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (B-2024-029-PR 240098) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (B-2024-030-PR 240235) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Equipment (B-2024-032-PR 240238) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-028-PR 240092) | 10/10/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-033-PR 240237) | 10/24/2024 |
Purchase of Medical Instruments (PR 2023-09-092) | 10/05/2023 |
Purchase of Securtiy Services (PR240371-PR 2024-10-110) | 11/06/2024 |
Purchase of Nursing Supplies (PR 2024-08-076 | 10/31/2024 |
Purchase of Environmental-Sanitary Services (PR240404-PR 2024-10-113) | 11/06/2024 |
Purchase of Janitorial Services (PR240372-PR 2024-10-109 | 11/06/2024 |
Purchase with Installation of Solar Lights (B-2024-038-PR 240237) | 12/12/2024 |
Purchase of Janitorial Services (B-2024-040-PR 2024-12-130) | 12/26/2024 |
Purchase of Drugs and Medicines (B-2024-039-PR240092) | 01/09/2025 |