Province of Benguet

La Trinidad Wins 2024 Adivay Agr-Booth Competition


La Trinidad emerged victorious in the 2024 Adivay Agri-Booth Competition, securing the top prize of P110,000.00 for their creative and innovative showcase of local products.


The competition which is a feature of the Adivay Agri-Fair, is part of the celebration of the 124th Founding Anniversary of Benguet with the theme: “Embracing Our Heritage: Co-Creating a HEALTHIER Benguet.”


The agri-fair ran from November 18 to December 4, 2024, at the Benguet Cold Chain in Wangal, La Trinidad, featuring creative booths and landscapes. Each of the 13 municipalities participated, highlighting their creativity and the richness of the agricultural heritage of Benguet.


Winners of the Agri-Booth Competition:

1st Place: La Trinidad – P110,000.00

2nd Place: Itogon – P100,000.00

3rd Place: Tublay – P90,000.00

4th Place: Buguias – P80,000.00

5th Place: Kibungan – P70,000.00

6th Place: Bakun – P60,000.00


Consolation Prize Recipients (P50,000.00 each):

Sablan, Tuba, Bokod, Kabayan, Mankayan, Kapangan, and Atok.


Special Awards for Sales Performance:

3rd Highest: Sablan – P592,866.00

2nd Highest: Bokod – P670,797.00

Top Sales: Bakun – P729,804.00


During the awarding ceremony held on December 4, Governor Dr. Melchor DaguinesDiclas expressed his gratitude to all municipalities and partners for their teamwork, dedication, and commitment in promoting local products.


The Agri-Fair was spearheaded by the Provincial Agriculture Office headed by Delinia Juan, Provincial Agriculturist.