Province of Benguet

It takes the Whole Village to Educate a Child

It takes the Whole Village to Educate a Child

October 25, 2021 - It takes the Whole Village to Educate a Child

Governor Dr. Melchor Daguines Diclas and DepEd-Benguet Schools Division Superintendent Gloria Buya-ao inked a memorandum of agreement (MOA) Monday morning for a strong partnership to advance reading comprehension among Benguet learners through DepEd’s Brigada Pagbasa in support to the agency’s BINDIYAN or “Batang IBenguet Nakakabasa, Diwang Isinatitik at Yamang-Angkin Naisasabuhay” program. Governor Diclas said he truly appreciates this initiative of DepEd-Benguet as it categorically responds to the needs of the learners especially with reading considering all the challenges brought by the CoVID-19 pandemic. 

He also said he has been and will always be supportive of DepEd’s programs and activities especially as education is one of his major agenda under his HEALTHIER Benguet political thrust. #HEALTHIERBenguet#UnitedBenguet

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