Hauling of 6.5-ton farm hazardous wastes in Tublay
Hauling of 6.5-ton farm hazardous wastes in Tublay
Hauling of 6.5-ton farm hazardous wastes in Tublay to be transported to a designated waste treater in Tarlac. This activity was spearheaded by the CropLife Philippines in partnership with the Provincial Government of Benguet headed by Governor Dr. Melchor Daguines Diclas. These tons of wastes were collected from the different towns in the province. Meanwhile, after two years of processing requirements, the Benguet PLGU is finally a registered farm hazardous waste generator — something the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) is also glad about. Rowena Billig, Provincial Officer for Benguet and Baguio at the FPA, said they are finally grateful for the successful registration of the Provincial LGU as a farm hazardous waste generator as this will give way for a smooth management of hazardous wastes in the province. JOECHEM Company being the licensed transporter in partnership with CropLife Philippines and two other related associations had been conducting hauling of hazardous wastes in the province since 2014 but it stopped with the strict waste management guidelines of the DENR which includes a requirement of a registered waste generator. With this, on behalf of the farmers in the province, Gov. Diclas ordered the registration of the LGU as waste generator. The long process took two years since 2019. This begins a stronger partnership in the implementation of sustainable farm hazardous waste management in the province. Hazardous wastes such as bottles of used pesticides have to be disposed properly to protect the environment as well as the health of the people in the community. The Benguet Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (BPENRO) is reminding farmers to continue practicing proper waste management and coordinate with their barangay LGUs or designated collection areas once they have gathered hazardous wastes. #HEALTHIERBenguet#UnitedBenguet