Province of Benguet

News and Current Affairs

Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week​

“This week is Mental Health Week, and so I would like to take this opportunity to send my wishes to everybody for peace and comfort, and more courage to face whatever it is you are going through all this time.

This pandemic has been very tough for all of us, and I know it has been far more difficult for some. But please do not hesitate to open up your problems with persons you trust – it can be your parents, siblings, best friends, trusted colleagues, your boss, or anyone you can talk to. It is not good to be holding your problems inside. Do not let it eat you up, but be strong to overcome it.

You can keep your mind healthy by keeping your physic healthy too. Develop good habits, daily exercises, jogging, or doing yoga. There are a lot of easy-to-follow step-by-step physical exercises available online which you can download and follow.

It is very important that we take care of our heart by avoiding stressful situations, as well as the mind with spiritual guidance and constant meditation as reading inspirational verses from the Bible or any inspirational and motivational readings..

Likewise, there are some mental health Facebook groups which you can join that will give you the feeling that you are not alone in your misery. Joining these groups will also make you discover new ways of dealing with unhealthy situations as well as allow you to meet new friends.

Do not overwhelm yourself with work, but enjoy your hobbies also, like singing and dancing to keep your mind off stress.

And always remember, it is okay to talk about mental health. Your Rural Health Units (RHUS) are there for you. Benguet General Hospital (BeGH) is also open to accommodate your concerns through their online platform. We can do this all together, because you are not alone. We are with you.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank the Benguet General Hospital (BeGH) for holding different activities during this 2021 mental health week as well as for your continued hard work and sacrifices during this time of pandemic. Always remember that we are with you in this fight.

Thank you very much, and kudos to all you!”


[During the 2021 Mental Health Week program conducted by Benguet General Hospital (BeGH)]