Province of Benguet

2 More Rebels Surrender to PNP

2 More Rebels Surrender to PNP

May 26, 2022 - 2 More Rebels Surrender to PNP

Two more members of the Militia ng Bayan abandoned their armed struggle and returned to the folds of the law. The two formally surrendered their firearms and explosives Thursday morning at the Governor’s Office with Governor Dr. Melchor Daguines Diclas, Benguet PPO Provincial Director PCOL Reynaldo DR Pasiwen, and representatives from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).

Governor Diclas also turned over some goods as assistance to the ex-members of the Militia ng Bayan as they start their lives anew. They will also be receiving aid from the government under the enhanced comprehensive local integration program after their profiling and assessment of the firearms they surrendered. Earlier this year, three former rebels also surrendered to the PNP. Governor Diclas thanked the Philippine National Police (PNP) for their commendable effort in maintaining peace in the community